The International Breastfeeding Symbol


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tips feeding positions

In the tips this time I will give some nursing positions that can be tried, so the process can run smoothly

1. holding position (the cradle hold)
This classic position breastfeeding, baby cuddle with the baby's head in the crook of her mother's elbow. when feeding on the right breast, put his head in the crook of right elbow and buttocks on the right palm. point the baby's body so that baby's ears are in a straight line with an existing baby's hands above. in other words, she was lying on his side to face, stomach and knees against the chest and abdomen mother. the hands of another baby (that is beneath him) left it was as though embracing mother's body, thus simplifying the baby's mouth to reach the breast.

2. holding the position of the cross (the cross cradle hold)
at this position, the mother did not support the baby's head with an elbow curve, but with her palms. so, if the mother breast-feeding with the right breast, use your left hand to hold. hug the baby, so the head, chest and belly facing you. then, point the mouth to your nipple with your thumb and your hands behind your head and below the ear. This position can be chosen if the baby has difficulty pressed his mouth to the nipple. for example, if your breasts are big while small baby's mouth.

3. position of the head (the clutch or football hold)
according to its name, in this position the baby's head propped mother with her palms, while the body of the baby "slipped" under your hand, like holding a ball or a handbag. if you are going to breast feed her right hand, then hold the baby with your right hand. and vice versa. place the baby on the side (under your hand) with the front facing you. let his legs stretched backwards. put your hands on a pillow on your lap or beside you. then prop the shoulders, neck and head with your hands. point the baby's mouth toward your nipple. This action must be done with caution. if the mother encourages the baby to the breast hard, the baby will reject and move her head. This position can be selected if you undergo Caesarean operations (to avoid the baby lying on your stomach). in addition, this position can also be used if your baby is small or has difficulty in feeding, or you have flat nipples, or if your baby twins.

4. side by side sleeping position (reclining position)
These positions are done while lying in bed. ask for help couples to put some pillows under your head and shoulders, and between your knees. the intention is to make your back and pelvis on the straight position. baby face to face with the mother (sleep dealing), aids baby pressed his mouth to your nipple. if necessary, place a small pillow, or folded blanket under his head. Essentially, keep the baby does not need to strain your neck to reach the nipple. otherwise, you do not need to bow to him, so do not get tired. This position can be selected if the mother has not been able to sit with a good or comfortable, or in a period of healing after a Caesarean operation.


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